Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The streets of malaysia never sleeps day and night you find people on the streets, because there alot of places where people can go and relax have fun and have drinks,sheeshe,food and basicallly just kill time if you have nothing to do.

bukit bintang is the name of a shopping and entertainment in KL, and the streets that run through it is called jalan bukit bintang, you can find alot on this street here from shopping centres, shops, clubs, malls its mostly where you will find tourist and locals and youngsters roaming around the streets of bukit bintang. there are alot of things you can find on the street of bukit bintang. you will find starbucks where people go and enjoy the view and have drinks.bikit bintang starbucks...
there are alot of things people do around the streets of malaysia specially at night times people go clubbing at heritage road is specially known for its clubs on that street you can find alot of different clubs, pubs, and bars that play music and serve drinks till 3 and onwards.
zouk one of the famous clubs known in the streets of KL

Berjaya Times Square KL is a twin tower complex containing a shopping centre and two five star hotels located in Kuala Lumpur. on the streets you can get local foods and drinks

one big problem that malaysian are facing on the streets is the jam

some people claim that kuala lumpur nad no central planning there major downsides and flooding is one of them, also some streets are very narrow.

all in all kuala lumpur streets are good and very alive, alot goes on the streets and you actually feel safe at some places no matter what time cause there always stores open and people just chilling having drinks and playing cards.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


There are alot of things you can see in streets of KUALA LUMPUR. If you drive around kuala lumpur you can see that the city has so much to offer in the streets like convenient stores, restaurants, barber shops, stationary stores, entertainment centers and plenty more the streets of Malaysia offers those are just few of them and also the people who are around the streets really make the streets feel more alive than just being dull.

In the streets of malaysia has alot of mamak stores so there alot of varieties to choose from, also convenient stores in every corner. places with good food like kampung baru which its famous for its local malaysian food.

petaling street also known as chinatown there alot of chinese there, they sell fake goods its famously known for that, you can get any expensive brand from versace,gucci,armani,fendi,lv and so many other rich and expensive brands you can purchase at chinatown you can get them cheaper but remember there fake goods and you can bargain if your a good talker and the place is always hectic alot of people there, noises and always crowded. lumpur china town&imgurl

at chinatown you can also find good food but its mostly chinese (obviously your in chinatown)alot of drinks and snacks are available at chinatown.

another famous street in malaysia is brickfields alot of indians live at brickfields, at brickfields you can get alot of indian foods there plenty of choices but you cant get beef cause there indian restaurants other than that you can get alot of indian food there from vegetarian to non vegetarian restaurants all kinds of indian foods can be found on the streets of brickfields. at brickfields you can also get alcohol at cheap price if you compare to the prices in supermarkets and other convenient stores.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


The next day was more interesting we went to the other side of the village, they showed us there traditional dances and there village activity of blowing pipes really impressing. They taught us how to blow the pipe and aim. It’s like a dart game but this one you actually blow in to the pipe and a small needle blows out and it sharp it nails on the board.

After the activity of blowing pipes.we gave out few things we brought from KL rice and cooking for the villagers and we took pictures.

we had a rehearsal dance cause before we leave on our last night at the village we were going to perform for the villagers traditional malay dance and the traditional clothes aswell. and there were two students a boy and a girl were chosen to be husband and wife cause on the same night of performance there will be a traditional malay wedding.

we had some indoor games we played at the hall one of them was musical chairs was really fun and after that a board game chongka or something like that..was fun until someone smashed a chair.

YES viewers she did break the chair GAME OVER
she tryna play it all cool lol.

The last night at the village and the performance night. the hall was all decorated and looking really good with the tables arranged music and the stage organized they prepared us an awesome dinner was a great night everybody enjoyed and they loved our performance and the traditional malay wedding was really intresting.

that night ended great and was amazing.

The last day at the village we had a picnic at the the waterfalls at the mountains, was abit far but each family drove us there.the whole nature environment was beautiful i have this thing for trees and animals the entire mother nature in genaral so was pretty beautiful.

everybody is swimming and having a good time. even though it was cold

the water was really really cold it was freezing when you get out of the water.

After everyone got tired of swimmming in the freezing water we had our lunch and looked around the place for awhile and then we head back home to get ready and freshen up and pack it was sad leaving acually enjoyed living there maybe cause free makan everyday but all of all it was a great great experience and i enjoyed every second of it there, i've seen awhole different side of village life : )
that's my foster family right there, really kind and charming people.

Taylor’s lakeside had a trip to the village about a month ago, was one of my best experiences, because I haven’t actually lived in a village life before not even for a night. So this trip was an opportunity for me to experience how people live in the villages in Malaysia.
We left the lakeside campus around 1 or 2 we got to the village around 5. Never expected them to welcome us like how they did, they were waiting for us on the road side with their kids holding flowers, it was really amazing everybody on the bus just had to stand up and take pictures everybody was excited at that moment. The bus finally stopped and we all got down and started greeting everyone and taking pictures.

all students from taylor's...

Then we went to a place was kind like the hall but smaller than the regular halls we know, that’s where everyone got called and introduced to their foster parents whom they will be living with for the coming four days and we got a timetable of what we going to be doing during out home stay 2 students per foster parent so I had a brother named Ismail lossini from lakeside..

Then we had some light snacks provided by the villagers.

After everybody got introduced we went to get our bags and went to our foster parent’s house. we got to the house and was introduce to the rest of the family and showed us our bedroom.

same day we arrived they made us a home cooked meal was wonderful. Only problem was "English" mum and dad can’t speak any English so was pretty hard communicating with them whenever we around the house and stuff, after we settled in and freshen up we all met at the lake, we went fishing with local people and the village kids aswel, was fun the kids there don't just fish they actually swim in the lakes to catch the fish.

beautiful view

some clumsy girl tripped into the mud...

Luckily the next morning we got introduced to our sister she was 30years old 3kids and a husband she speaks English pretty good and the house was more alive with kids running around. Our sister made us breakfast early morning at 8 sharp food was on the table cause we had to meet at the jasmine mine at 9 to start our tour around the village and knowing what they do for a living in villages, it’s really beautiful out there away from city life every once in a wild is not bad.

my foster mother and sister one wearing black t-shirt and her daughter..

at the jasmine field.

After going around the village and at the jasmine tree field, we went to the hall near by the lake and we were going learn how to make lemang and satay for lunch was a great experience and the lemang was delicious.

Thats my foster father was helping him prepare th fire.

making lemang

my foster mum was showing me how to do it right.

some one was bugging me she wants to cut the meat ; )

after an hour or so, launch was ready and the lemang was amazing every body loved it. after the launch was done we all head back to our homes to relax and freshen up.
was a wonderful day for everyone.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Festival is an event usually organized by the local communities. There many types of festivals and each one have its specific needs and entertainment. Festivals are well known around the globe for their entertainments and events from cultural, religious and also traditional others involve seasonal. Also some institutions celebrate their own festivals or known as “fest” on occasions of their history or the day the organization, company or institution was founded.

Festivals bring different race, culture and religion together to celebrate for example the festivals held in Malaysia new years, Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Thaipusam, and Chinese New Year, Wesak Day, Tadau Kaamatan (Harvest Festivals), Deepavali, Christmas and more.
America held’s so many festivals Mardi gras, Burning man, hot august night, Loco for cocoa, Independence Day, World series of poker, Farm aid, International kite festival, Thanksgivings and so many more.

In Malaysia their different types of festivals celebrated every year, some of which are celebrated as public holidays either nationwide or specific to a few states in Malaysia. Most festival are either religious or cultural but nonetheless festivals influence a diversity of people to get together and celebrate.

festivals like thaipusam its an annual Hindu festival which draws the largest gathering of different races and cultures all at one place in 2000 they estimated nearly a million people were at the festival celebrating.
Deepavali or diwali mostly known as the festival of lights in Malaysia, they celebrate marks of triumph of good over the evil for victory of light over dark its mostly celebrated by Hindu’s by then again it brings different cultural together to celebrate this amazing festival.

Hari raya aidiladha it’s a festival celebrated by Muslims around the world, in Malaysia is commonly known as hari raya korban people have open houses and stuff. different race all together enjoying the festival. And also hari raya puasa celebrated after the holy month of ramadhan it’s a joyous occasion for Muslims around the world it signifies personal triumph victory of self-restrain.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


The fight for animal rights is increasing around the world more and more people are aware about animal cruelty but still people continue supporting slaughtering of animal skin and punishing the animals with violent and torture. I love animals and its habitat. I have this thing for animals and gardens with trees, waterfalls and ponds I love it its beautiful and peaceful. One of gods greatest creations animals and its habitat how they survive and live in jungles, forest and all, It really hurts me seeing a size of a football field being toned down at the amazons and animals being killed for furs, tusks, body parts and all by illegal hunting and poaching.

The world needs to appreciate this kind of rear animals and take care of them so that our next generation and next generation can see all this kind of animals that are around the world but that won’t happen if we keep allowing this killing and slaughtering of animals go on like this.

I love animals ever since I was a kid. Back home in Tanzania I’ve a lot of pets and most of them were homeless or dying on the streets with no food and water to survive. I once bump into 2 homeless puppies almost 6 years ago not far from my house, they were left on the side of the street in a box, heard them crying out and I took them home fed them milk took them to the vet about 3months later there were healthy, happy and have a home.

look younger here : )
now there big and healthy..

Also found a kitten at an island called Zanzibar back in Africa it was a baby kitten barely even walking very small,crying for its mother for food. now he’s in good health and he has a home.

still a baby.

all grown and healthy

A few years back. My brothers and I had a road trip around Tanzania and visiting national parks and stuff during our way back home we found an animal on the road laying there helplessly and we stopped to take a look it was a lion cup, my brothers were scared but I couldn’t leave the cup there so I took him in my car and put him on the back seat and drove back home with a cup, it was just dehydrated and hungry after feeding it water and milk the cup start getting scared and hiding under the cars after couple days he got use to the environment and wasn’t scared of people and we found out it was a male so we gave him a name SIMBA few weeks later we sent him to a national park called MIKUMI NATIONAL PARK and he was back his habitat with a good health and all it took was milk, food, water and tender love and care to save animal who couldn’t barely stand and walk.

that's simba

And I recently bought a horse his amazing. named Bruno he should be around 4 years now his still young. He wasn’t being treated well and he use to go for days without having food and wasn’t around good environment so I bought it and now its living at my uncle’s farm yard 20minutes drive from town.
You can make a change by just helping one animal at a time.

Animals are part of this world and we all are part of this world. only YOU can make a change and stand against animal rights.

Saturday, February 13, 2010



As we all know we live on earth with animals. God’s creation, god’s creatures and we all live on planet earth. What makes a country beautiful and amazing? I would say animals and its nature surroundings it’s the most natural and exotic place you would ever imagine.
Many countries have different kind of animals like Australia for instance they’re well known for having kangaroo’s, koala and so many more. Africa they have elephants, gorilla’s, crocodiles and many more. North America grizzly bears, Florida panthers coyotes and many more. This entire place’s are known through different ways and mostly known cause of their wildlife species and surrounding of nature beauty.

Source http://nature-reserve-screensaver/screenshot.html

NOW we talk about animal rights!!
I never heard about animal rights till like I was around 10 or 12 i guess. Never knew they kill animals to make materials like belts, wallets, jacket, hand bags and shoes from either snake or crocodiles. They slaughter these wonderful animals that are rear around the world, instead this cruel humans slaughter them to death for there own benefits of financial means and to do business with no ethics at all.
And not only slaughtering the animals there is torture as well that goes around that’s against animal rights, we have people with beautiful animals as pets like dogs and cats instead of loving and caring for this animals that you bought or adopt, they torture them by not feeding them as there suppose to be fed, not keeping them around good environments instead there outside the house, sleeping on the dirty floor that hasn’t been clean for months and when this animals fall sick and they need to be taken to a vet for check up, they don’t bother taking their pets and end up being really sick and die. And other pets get a beaten from their owners like beating them till they’re badly hurt or dead.


It’s really saddening and depressing to hear all this stuff about what people do to the animals and home pets. But thank god we have people fighting against this cruel and devilish behaviours going on around the world. Organizations like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal) PETA's animal rights campaigns include ending of fur and leather, meat and dairy consumption, fishing, hunting, trapping. And there’s also the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) one of the largest in the world, ASPCA organization granted legal authority to investigate and make arrests for crimes against animal cruelty.
Also we have celebrities, who donate good amounts to these organizations and adopt homeless pets. Celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres, Pierce Brosnan, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jackson and so many more. The message is spread all over the media and people over the internet and companies also donate and adopt animals. The world must know what people do to this animals slaughter and torture must come to an end in order to have a better tomorrow.